You are important to us.
Below are some common questions shoppers ask.
We are glad you are here with us. We hope you find The New Free Store to be a place of acceptance, assistance, and community building. Let us know how we can help you.
The Free Store closes when Marquette Area Public Schools is closed due to inclement weather. Open dates are subject to change if they fall on a National Holiday.
906-362-3733 Please leave a message.
Store hours:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Wednesday of every month
12:00 - 4:00 PM
4th Monday of every month
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Who can shop?
We aim to assist anyone who is feeling a financial burden. If you are in need of anything we have to offer, we invite you to come in! You will fill out a simple registration form (1 per household) and then be given the tour! It's that easy!
How much can I take?
There are some limits to what can be taken so we can spread our resources to many families. All items are on a first come first served policy. If we run out of an item, it may be available at the next Store opening. Some shopping limits are based on household size.
Personal hygiene and household cleaning products are offered on alternate months as follows:
Products Available in January, March, May, July, September and November:
- shampoo, toothpaste, dental floss, deodorant, denture care, razors (1 of each item per household per month)
- toothbrushes (1 per person every 3 months)
Products Available in February, April, June, August, October and December:
- toilet paper, dish soap, laundry soap, hand soap (1 of each item per household per month)
The following items are sometimes donated to the New Free Store and are offered when available:
incontinence products, pads or tampons, diapers and baby wipes
Clothing limits are based on the current inventory of donations. There are often no limits on adult clothing, however we ask you to take only what you need; others may need what you take. We are frequently in need of more donations of children's clothing and may have to set limits per size and gender.
- Limit of 1 winter coat and 1 summer coat per person per season
- limit of 1 pair of boots per person each season
- shoes offered as available
How do I shop?
When you arrive at the store, a volunteer will greet you at your vehicle to let you know whether or not you can go right inside. Sometimes we have people waiting in their vehicles for their turn to shop. Shoppers enter the Store on a first come, first served basis.
When it's your turn, please first stop in at the desk just inside the door. We will check and update your file. If you have not yet received needed monthly personal care or cleaning products, your shopping begins in the product room. We then encourage you to shop in the clothing area of the Store and choose any items you may need. We encourage shoppers to complete their shopping within 15 minutes, if possible.
As our store space is small, there may be times when it is necessary for some families to wait for their turn outside. The amount of families permitted to shop at a given time is at volunteer discretion. Please be respectful of everyone's time and needs.
When can I shop?
The New Free Store holds Shopping Hours the first three Wednesday afternoons of the month (Noon - 4:00 PM) and the fourth Monday evening (6:00 - 8:00 PM).
Please note that the store closes at 4PM on Wednesdays. If you arrive after 3:45 PM you will only be permitted to take any cleaning and hygiene supplies that you are eligible for at that visit. Thank you for understanding.
How can I give back to the store?
Our shoppers often ask about a way to give back. There are many! You can donate clean, gently used clothing and linens. Please save and bring in your Tadych's receipts. And help spread the word about us to other potential shoppers and donors! Some of our shoppers also help during volunteer hours. Consider serving on our Board of Directors as a shopper representative. Like us on Facebook and share important information to your family and friends.